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Clean water is a problem in warm climate countries. However, it might become a worldwide problem is we do not stop wasting water and polluting the rivers. Pollution is caused by people pouring toxic liquids into the sink that come out of the sewerage pipes to pollute our lakes and rivers. Also, some people often throw non-biodegradable rubbish in the rivers that not only pollutes the river but destroys the wildlife that lives in it, like ducks, fishes. Rubbish thrown in the river often washes up on beaches. Think about swimming in rubbish next time you throw rubbish in the river.


Water is wasted when people:

  • water the garden without using water tanks,

  • wash their cars for long time,

  • do not use dual flush toilets or press full flush when flush the dual flush toilets (supposed to use half flush),

  • leave the tap running while brushing their teeth.

Water tanks are a good way to save water by collecting rain water from gutters.

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